DIY stands for “Do It Yourself“.
As a start-up if you are considering to use DIY(do it yourself) website builders like Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Web etc. to save time and good amount of money you need to think twice and never forget the statement: ‘you get what you pay for’
Of course, if your website is temporary, doesn’t need any functionality or it will be just one image like a business card, DIY can be for you.
In first impression, DIY website builders looks cost-efficient and lightning speed service, but in reality it is NOT. So before you spend valuable time trying to put pieces together your website on a DIY website builder, we’ve compiled a list of five things to consider.
1. Time (Most valuable thing, you can not buy or take it back)
So to save some money (looks like) you started to use one of the DIY website builders. Do you know how much time it will take to finish your website?
First, you will need to LEARN the web design program. After mastering the tools you need to decide your website theme, color and fonts. After that you need to work with the content like pictures, text, forms etc… Put them all together, fix the issues etc… Instead of putting time to your business, you will end up loosing lots of time to build your website.
What’s more valuable to the company in the long run, your time or the money?
2. Money (DIY Websites are not FREE, they do NOT cost less)
This is very important since people choose DIY Websites to be FREE or cost less.
Once you are in business with DIY, you will find that it will cost more than just your time. In some cases, the cost of a site builder could amount to more than you would have spent on a web designer.
For example Wix is charging $25 for business planing to sell items online. That’s $300 every year for a website you have built and maintain yourself.
3. Design may not look professional and aesthetically pleasing
If you are not a web designer most beautiful theme may look bad and may not be user-friendly at the end since there are lots of aspects to consider in web design. Not only unprofessional look but also copy themes that is being used by 1000s of website will affect your business in negative way.
Another point is limitations of the provider. For example once you choose the theme you can not change it to another design. Another example; when you need a special form that is not exists in the DIY platform, you will be stuck with no solution since you can not add special programs to that platforms.
4. User-Experience (UX) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
If you’re hoping your website will make it top on Google’s listings, then don’t use a DIY website builder because search engines like Google cares greatly about UX and SEO rules that they update frequently. DIY website builders are NOT SEO and UX friendly platforms.
Even you know how to use the DIY platform, you will have to spend more time to learn about SEO – UX technical rules and you will try to apply those rules to your DIY website builder platform that is limited to configurations for SEO and UX.
5. Support
All DIY website builder companies use automated platforms. You have to help yourself when something goes wrong. When you get stuck with a problem, you will not find anybody to TALK.
You will end up reading 100’s of FAQ and Forums to find a solution.
@iGlobalweb we offer constant support, the ability to change aspects of the website for your business needs with creating visually stunning, SEO/UX friendly, mobile-ready and highly practical websites in a very short time that exceed Google and consumer expectations.